What is Node.js? Why Use It for Start-ups?

 In this era where technology is given the utmost importance and attention, selecting the right programming platform for your startup can be challenging. Because your choice can directly affect your products and customers. That is why you should always go for the most trusted platform that caters to your needs. If you are looking for such a platform, then let me introduce you to Node.js.

What is Node.js?

Node.js is a backend, cross-platform runtime environment that is built on V8, an open-source JavaScript engine. It also applies an event-driven and non-blocking I/O paradigm for providing high-performance to its users.

Why Node.js?

The popularity of Node.js has been increasing since its first release in 2009. For years, many well-established brands, like Yahoo, PayPal, Trello, Netflix, eBay, etc., have been using Node.js because of the benefits it provides to them. You, too, can build applications with high-performance UI, you just need to hire dedicated node js developer and tell them your requirements.

Read More: https://www.ecogujju.com/what-is-node-js-why-use-it-for-start-ups/ 


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